Our song

You’re two weeks old today. And I know this about you already, you love Chopin, especially the Nocturnes. And especially this piece:

I can play it for you over and over and over, and every time I do, you turn your lovely little head to listen. It calms you when we’re changing you; after your bath; or just because; I love to play it for you.

Sometimes I play it for you in the dead of night after I’ve changed and fed you, and I stand in the middle of your room, you over my shoulder [I’m waiting for you to burp], and I sway slowly with you to this music. Until you burp you’re not so comfortable and you squirm and wiggle; and I dance. Once you’ve burped, you calm down; and the music surrounds us, envelops us in its sweetness; I kiss the top of your head and slowly you fall asleep.

And we dance together. My beautiful boy. This music was written for us.

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